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Entries by admin
Highly tested Quality Powerbank by ANSMANN
have tested 10x of these this very basic powerbank since 6 months none have failed or malfunctioned. 20.000mAh is “okay” to charge up a phone 3 to 4 times (which is not sooo much but given the price of below 30 Bucks this is still okayish, just buy two or three if you need more […]
12V+24V Direct Solar (no ohne Battery) Water Cooking Wasserkocher Challenge (VICTRON FOR THE WIN!)
WARNING! Victron 12V to 230AC Phoenix DIRECT (1200Watt!) CAN NOT POWER MOST HAIR DRYERS! 🙁 EN: 12V+24V(faster) Solar Cooking wihtout expensive and unreliable Battery ES: Cocina solar de 12V+24V(rapido) sin batería cara y poco fiable DE: 12V+24V(schneller) Solar (Wasser) Kochen ohne teure und unzuverlässige Batterie 12V: 24V: Grosser Vorteil VICTRON: NO Battery REQUIRED 😀 +Kaltstart […]
it is based on an EPEVER Charge Controller + Lead-GEL Battery, it works very well. If you are interested in such a system, let me know: Details: it can pump water AND air (no “priming” needed) “it just works” it can pump up to 10m of elevation it can pump through hoses of aprox 30m […]
Why you should never leave a PowerBank or SmartPhone outside in the cold – Warum Sie eine PowerBank oder ein SmartPhone niemals draußen in der Kälte lassen sollten
If it spend a night or two outside in the cold, it’s no problem. Just take it indoor and let it warm up for a few hours BEFORE CHARGING. Because charging cold batteries could result in permanent damage to the batteries and fire hazard (!!!): The reason: “Although the packs appear to charge normally, the […]
Smart Phone Carga Directa via Solar – How to Direct Solar Charging your Smart Phone or PowerBank on the beach
USB-Solar.com Carga Directa Ultra PowerStation #3 Autosuficiente y Fiable: Cargador Solar REAL (¡!) 100W (max Input) Smart Phone Charger Generator SIN BATERÍA CARGA DIRECTA DEL SOL, incluso en condiciones de poca luz económico ($185EUR (sin incluir gastos de envío)) Diseñado en Alemania USB-Solar.com Direct Charge Ultra PowerStation #3 Self-Sufficient & Reliable: Solar REAL (!) […]